You are just a middle age girl/boy, yet your past is so dark and you've covered yourself in deep shit for so long that you barely remember who you once were. Each night before you go for rest, you wonder. What have I become! You've gone beyond repair, you think. Friends have disowned you and you are that deserted person with none to believe in. With more enemies than friends and your best of friends are stress and depression. It has eaten your skin and now headed for the bones.. deep inside you know you are broken.
What keeps you going is the little optimism left in you and with this you know that some day you are gonna find a piece of solace in your rumbles. That one day a ray of light will shine on your door and never leave. That very moment you will grasp change and whatever comes with it and there will be choices to be made that is to keep dragging yourself in the dark or choose light. Just as Socrates say, that the secret of change is to focus all your energy not on fighting the old but on building the new.
With certainty, I tell you that everyone who comes to you will leave inspired. Everything said about you will be praises. Whatever bond you make will never be broken and for sure, like a flower you will bloom again.
Talk soon.
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