Friday, 20 May 2016

Voice In Silence

There is a pin drop silence in conference room 10 as we await for an address which was to be conducted by Biljana in the company of other staffs. For more than an hour we've been here waiting reluctantly for that leader to show her face. Between these times I was keen on every move that occurred in the house.  As others still emerged through that soft carpet that seemed to not only understand but appreciated the rhythm of the room as well. The silence persisted even as the footsteps approached.   

However, through all these I could hear people breath, I could feel the tempo of their heartbeats and the pressure that lies inside their anxiety filled minds. Within the silence still, there were whispers which I was curious to contemplate and this would involve moving closer to clearly come out with substantive content of the topic under discussion. 

Then at last I realized how funny the whole thing was. I am in that place where everything was in a quite state. Including the birds of the air, the insects around. As opposed to what I believe in, a Buddhist scholar would easily conclude that everything was was silent and still except for me and my mind. Because my mind was wandering on people's thoughts, stories, perhaps gossips. I then reevaluated myself and realized truly I wasn't silent and everything that I thought as a distraction was my mind which was never settled. 

When we stop talking, our minds speaks, one thought erupts and then another and the sequence follows. Finally, the body reacts. Calming the mind would be considered greatness and with that there's complete silence.  


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