Wednesday, 11 May 2016

Leave Your Door Ajar

On one night some notorious thieves forcefully entered to steal in an estate, as they moved from one house to the other, with guns to threaten whoever tries to shout. They continued their hunt as they picked valuables within their reach. One guy in a house protected by steel door left nothing to chance and ensured every available lock was used. But this proved useless as the thieves had sophisticated weapons to get entry into any building they wanted and hence they were in after a couple of seconds. A neighbour who watched all this from a distance learns the secret and leaves his door ajar then switches off electricity from the main power source. When the thieves reached that house, in that darkness, nobody risked entering the house for they knew not what awaits. It was later reported that such method of stealing has never been witnessed again. 

Andrew Solomon who's a writer once explained that if he succeeds in sheltering his children from adversity then he would have failed as a parent. When I relate this to my own life for instance, I have lived through painful experiences in my early years. But then, later in my life I have realized that indeed, it was all worth it for it's through such adversities that I built my identity and I became who I am today. I say thanks to my Dad whom for a long time I had no idea why he made me to undergo such experiences. Little did I know that he was preparing me to face the world. Thank you Daddy.

As to our top story, when we leave our doors ajar to challenges such as conflicts, complaints, critics and many more we get to know our strengths and weaknesses. For true living lies in all these. 

On the contrary, when we completely close our doors, there's nothing left to fight for therefore nothing new to learn and the taste for life is diminished.   

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