Perhaps the time you’ve taken in planning could be worth it, the effort you have undergone in your endeavours could be sufficient. Considering different kinds of advice that you have at heart, nothing surely is left to chance. You were born great, a conquerer, to see beyond the eyesight. The perception that was instilled in you at birth is remarkable. For none was born a loser
Most often you question why you only celebrate others’ success and not your own. Down deep inside you feel hurt for not being in a position to celebrate your achievement. Lying on the bed, full of nightmares, uncompleted tasks, unending doubts. During the day you are ashamed without a cause, you feel as if you are deprived of freedom as fear emanates from your heart, anxiety has become your friend and sorrows get the best of you at most times.
Church services, temples, monastery not forgetting mosques are more like memories you once had for everything seems a dream. Priests and Imams will do their part to spread the holy messages and continue to emphasize on the need for repentance. Doctors, Counsellors and therapist will do their part as well and with such vast treatment change ought to be the ultimate outcome.
You’re aware nothing new is to be established, no new piece of information is gonna change that bad habit you harbour within, that barrier to your enlightenment and that urge which pulls you back to your original dimension no matter how hard you try. If we still entertain a fall to the same temptations, do the same crazy stuff such as restricting ourselves to the same environments, dancing to the same tune we’re fond of, then we will never achieve that which we desire for.
The answer is not somewhere beyond us, it’s just here within us, we just have to open our eyes to see clearly, In all you do keep in mind that nothing changes unless you make it change
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