This must have happened in Mombasa and of course which other place would it be? With all the sandy beaches, the elegant lifestyle, birds all along and some drizzles, the cool evening, unlike the usual sunny days. God surely, has the best way to reward someone and this was one of those.
To be precise it was on a Saturday, 2nd April 2016, I had longed for this just as a christian zealot awaits the second coming of Jesus Christ. Nonetheless, it happened after close to a year of calls, texts among others. We finally met. When I went for her, there she was. Just smiling, and in that very moment, I knew it all. I haven’t found any correct word to describe whatever I felt. In brief, “I felt some slight change in the way I saw things, everything became clearer, my perception took another turn, I felt whole again and I sensed a new thing emerge in us making me too reluctant to call it love.”
Same height as mine, a fully streamlined body, innocent lips, a soft and tender fingers, smiley face and every inch in her body without an error, just perfect. Making every man feel jealous of me as we walked together for I could notice that in their undisciplined eyes (Team mafisi so to say). She was brought into being beyond design or modification. Am sure many men would faint in front of her and never get the slightest chance to utter a word. Many great poets.. I mean great, would find sweeter and more appealing words to accord her. She’s a woman and half if that’s what to call it.
After we left each other that evening, I couldn’t wait to rush home and review the selfies we took together, every smile in the photos would make me smile over and over. As I went to bed, I would again wake up to go through the photos once more. In my sleep, all I could visualise was her image appearing in different forms at no distinct hour. The next day, I couldn’t remember thinking of anything else. For sure, if there is an experience one would wish for, that was it!
“There are many roses, I agree to that, what I fail to agree to is that all roses are precious”
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