Thursday, 11 February 2016

Standing Man

Are you that guy or lady who sees failure in every attempt you make? 
Are you the one who sees every challenge as a punishment rather than opportunity to make you grow? Are you the one still who only sees wreckage in all your wake? 
I’ll tell you this.. It’s not a time to ponder in fear neither is it a time to slumber but a time to wake up and smell the coffee. 
On the waters, a swimmer sees a chance to prove his/her worth, a coward though see sliding into the water, drowning and eventually dying. In times of sorrow the wise breaths in and out and then calms to understand the situation, the wicked however, weeps hopelessly as if a time of reckoning has begun. 
When the tides of the river grows stronger and you feel like you are losing your sense of time and space. When the sand continues to be hot till your feet starts to burn and you start losing your grip, Prove to the world your worth and let no adversity get the best of you, for these are just fleeting moments and with time they pass. Even at a time when everyone has little or no confidence in you, well, you have your own confidence and never let go of that. For it matters more. 
The decisions we make most often may not be the best but as humans we’re prone to mistakes and at the time you come to terms with that, always turn back to make a new move and learn to accept the outcome as it turns out. Like a willow, don’t be so rigid to any change or current, instead learn to absorb and swing around without being broken down. Be cotton on the outside and steel on the inside, meaning being compassionate but not weak.   
Keep rocking your world, let nothing shaken you
When you fall, don’t hesitate to rise up for there’s honour to fall and rise up but there’s no honour in never falling. 

“Most of all, be the standing man that no matter how strong the wind blows, no matter the challenges you face, you never tire and shy away from it”  

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