Thursday, 21 January 2016

We can all fight crime

You don't have to be employed, neither must we be stationed at crime site to prove to the society that we are doing them some good regarding matters of crime, you can fight crime just from your door step. How about this, start from your children at home as they grow up by controlling the games that they indulge in, those neighbour’s kids they keep contact with and so on. Giving reports to suspecting strange behaviours. Criminal mind is easier to study when we have some knowledge at hand and it is because of this that pursuing the course of criminology should be suffused. 
We need the audience that are now listening to this speech, to prove cases to the juries in courts so as to prove legal cases beyond reasonable doubts,some call them eye witnesses, these aren't people from other planets, they are within us, we talk, chat and laugh together but see, it's through their testimonials that evidence is retrieved. And day in day out, lawyers ask, where is the proof so that we can take your case?  What shows that the accused is guilty? Prove to us.

Long gone are the days when people feared that.. Others could say they fear interacting with the police they will arrest me. By the way has anyone heard an incident where one is arrested for reporting crime to the police? As for me I have never heard of, have only heard of one who has been rewarded for doing the same. ooh the magistrate is not friendly and therefore they kept quiet with their evidence however valuable they were. We have to start from somewhere, we have to adjust our habits because we cant  follow a route without a path. Just like crossing a river, you have to start from using reeds if you can't afford an engine boat, what we all need is crossing over the river. The same applies to this we have to create that free atmosphere with the law enforcement thereafter we acquire what is needed of us as the locals. 
Informants too, are not imported persons, they are within us, they gather the necessary information regarding illegal behaviours and surrender them to the law enforcers. Kenya at this state needs criminologist the most.

Final word is that as a criminal be aware that in every step you  take is either landing you to a problem or a regrettable solution but to the community every step that you make is only landing you to a solution and a lasting one. The only difference between the two is that, criminals make their activities a habit as we watch them do, the question therefore is, why can't we too as a community make it a habit to report criminals, to train our children in moral standards? 

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