Today I thought hard and long enough of what I would put across for my dear readers before I went to the archives and retrieve this piece.
Often we hear people say, was happiness really meant for me? For how long will I live like this? Why is my life full of work and leaving out what matters? And many more. As a matter of fact, at some juncture in life we tread through paths of unpleasant experiences some of which we are aware of and others are new to us. It goes without saying that everyone deserves to be happy no matter the state of life you live through. It is not somewhere in future, not in dreams instead it is right here with us and all we need to do is make is to embrace it. Just as Ben Sweet land clearly painted out, "happiness is a journey not a destination."
However on the contrary sometimes we could be the source of our unhappiness. For example we may choose to follow our dreams with the aim to achieve what will make us happy in the long run. With this we may have in mind being the president of a state and with effort we strive to meet this goal and upon becoming the president, our perception for happiness changes. We no longer think as we used to but instead see power as ground to pay back those who have opposed us and to silently do away with such opponents with the aim to secure our positions. The legacy that one leaves after power is a big shame.
Look at our perceptions, the broad view of life is encapsulated by material possessions. But anyway who said acquisition of large sums of wealth is key to happiness? I can say we have got more time running out looking for more distractions and we spend very little time for self understanding. We never realise this until we come to a point when we understand that we are more into slavery than satisfaction of what we are dire in need of.
Today we want that good job, tomorrow we get that salary we dream of and there we are still craving for more and more. One will say am refuting what famous scholars said that human being is a wanting being but cant we be that smarter to see beyond wanting and start settling for whatever we really need? Coz' am sure what we want we've already taken and what we need is what remains. Land, business premises, houses, we have, don't we?
Happiness is deep rooted in us and not any other place or thing we can ever imagine of and it's within our reach. Why cant we start this journey of self realisation?
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