Wednesday, 13 January 2016

The departed aren't really gone

As he sat by the bedside observing his dear wife who seemed to be running out of breath. The doctors had done all they possibly could and any additional effort would never change a thing. The poor man knelt down and offered a long silent prayer. As a surprise, the wife who had been in a state of coma and bedridden for days unfortunately opened her eyes . To the guy's amazement, he stood and hold tightly her hands, kissed her then stared at her straight in the eye and he it, he noticed she was dying. 

Perhaps this could was the last opportunity to utter even a word but to him it was more than a word, was it a sentence? A request?  Or... A wish? Well, this is what he said, "Tell me about the journey when you arrive. "He knew she was listening and she would respond but all in vain. She breath her last and died.

Days after the funeral the man lived in disbelief, until finally he at last found comfort in the tragedy. Months passed and years elapsed but the man was still unsettled and he had this feeling that the wife would return and tell him how he arrived.
One day as they sat with the family for dinner before they could offer a prayer for grace. There she was, as if in a dream but in spirit of cause as colourful as ever, brighter than the morning sun, dazzling as the stars above the sky and as he moved closer to touch her, she was gone hence the assurance that there was not only peace, but there was also prosperity and hope and with that an instant internal peace settled in him. His prayer was answered. 

I believe the dead aren't really gone instead they are in some concealed place and just as we miss them, they miss us too . It could only be the communication channel that is cut between us. I believe they speak a thousand words to us but we can't hear them and probably they are somewhere just watching us and smiling. They could be in the shadows, in deep seas, complete darkness, whenever we are meditating they are with us, they are always besides us to ensure we are safe.

Yeah.. They await for our coming and I believe one day we will meet again with those best of friends we lost and the departed dear ones. 

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