Tuesday, 29 December 2015

The Plea

Hey Guys. This time I choose to write to someone listening out there. I feel it is a time to live simply and rightly to be honest with oneself and to fulfill the promises that we make on several occasions. One of which to walk by the spirit and not by the body, to see beyond impossibilities, to get to the root cause of why letting go hasn't been so easy on our lives and to realise the effects of getting attached to non productive activities. 

My life for instance has been a bullshit and despite my small countable achievements, I always see a battle ahead of me, some incomplete task that weighs me down. At times I wonder whether am still the one in control of my inner self or there's some evil being who has taken control of my life and never giving me a chance to try and change the situations within me. Moreover, there's a pressure that I feel as if am climbing up a rocky mountain and at this time, my whole body aches from my lower back, to the digestive system and down to my knees. 

I barely sleep and every morning when I wake up, an excruciating pain distance me from life occurrences until after some other time in the day, the sense of being dehumanize, tired and weak has gotten the best of me and in turn I just still there to watch and watch hoping against hopes that a redeemer would show his  face and have mercy on the poor me. who is going to rescue me from this bondage? Am I gonna die waiting for a rebirth and a period of comfort or I will keep hoping? Is this really my war or it is for those ancestors who seized to exist time immemorial? 
Better be it for me to get another world despite how unfortunate it may be rather  than to keep regretting each day. 
I hope to find some piece of solace before the angels come and carry me home some day.. And so be it. However as we approach the new year, I see new things unfolding, I see joy and break through. 

However, I get thrilled when I read Harper Lee's work, To kill a mockingbird where she reiterates that, "It's not a time to worry yet."I know there's someone out there who sees the unending journey of his or her torment and how hard it has proved cumbersome to keep carrying on but we should all know that it is not over yet and life gives us second chances, even if we fall, we always have the opportunity to rise up again and start over. It could be a habit of alcoholism, drugs or gossip  that tends to pin you down and your efforts to fight it back has bore no fruits, don't worry  there's a right time nearing, therefore never ever give up for no condition is permanent it could just be the events that surround the current situation that makes you feel as if you will never get through it. 

Keep going


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