Home is a symbol of rest, relief and some sort of well planned steps towards the realisation of one's freedom. As humans it is our desire to find our way home, that at one time we settle at a place of our own choosing be it some place in the beach, somewhere on mountain top with the best of climates, extreme rooftops, incredible surroundings full of roses and an orchard, perfect families. All of it, perfect.
Naturally a home is a place for comfort and rest and when all you need is just to settle that is a home to me. As long as there is happiness with or without kids running up and down the balcony. A place where each time you wake up from your sleep you feel enclosed, accepted and secure. Living with nothing to worry about and less interruptions.
However lets forget about the structure and stop looking at that beautiful home and start seeing.. Really seeing. All that we do everyday in the workplace, gym, casinos, hotel rooms, clubs and the parks. Such places define us due to the fact that we hold a devotion to some them.
Let's really see through the daily place of work that as we report to give our service to the employers we do so not for them but for ourselves and to the community not only as an obligation but also out of love that whenever we try to do our best we make a difference no matter how little our service may seem to be. Most of all let us find happiness in the challenges that we face and the differences that we make in our daily lives, in turn we will have an eternal home without later regrets.
Just keep in mind that there's no school, no life, no job, no wife or husband like the one you got and all you need to do it just to accept that naked truth and embrace it by giving your best without a reason.
In conclusion to my readers, own that project you are working on, own that awesome husband/wife you already have, that business, that great family, all you got at hand to do, do it. For it is not by chance but it is for a purpose. Above all, make it a home
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