Though there were ups and downs and some unavoidable circumstances but in real living, such are expected and we thank the Almighty that we managed to sail through the raging storms however strong they weighed on us. A case in point is the demise of my grandparents that came with a sudden shock to the entire family falling on everyone with a terrible thud and in turn instilling fear and cold that comes with the loss of loved ones. It is barely two months ago, we haven't forgotten and forever will we keep the memories alive.
The loss of chief Inspector Aluu Lomonyang', sometimes in September left a wound on my heart that will take time to heal. Aluu was a colleague and a mentor that even in his bedridden days he gave us hope through his broad smiles, funny jokes and the ever welcoming joy that he displayed in his face at all times. Not forgetting the encouraging wise words he quoted in his final days.
"Your last breath however tragic it was, is a living lesson to the family, colleagues and friends that as we depart, as we are covered with grief and as we move to the next world Let us go with hope."
Fare thee well papa.
Month of August in Mombasa I received a warm welcome from Elvira, a cousin that made me realise that I still deserve some special treatment that have hardly dreamt of in years. Pick up the slack cuz. You my best. Mid August still in Mombasa, navigating by the stars trying to figure out how my meeting with Steve Dicaprio would turn out the following day.
Finally, there he was.. Four solid years out of sight, body size seemed to have doubled from my point of view but he was still Steve. The one I knew from high school, the ever serious guy with carefully spoken swahili in coastal accent. This was an amazing experience I ever had.. Those olden stories in high school, those lifestyles we totally dumped as well as those we grasped, the life that we have ahead of us, plans we have in place, those unforgotten memories, we talked till we ran out of stories and we were just laughing. When we left that evening, it was like a burst of sunlight on my chubby cheeks. To be honest I felt rejuvenated and I could feel a new chapter open in my life as I stood where we had been sitting.
Long live my friend.
2016 Here I wait with better plans to complete all unfinished businesses and projects in the previous year. Here I wait to reassemble my 'tools for trade' and be on the go, here I wait still to reach for the stars.
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