Monday, 22 February 2016

At Sunset

When the sun sets and the clouds encapsulate themselves in the darkened sky, and trees of nature slowly sway in preparation for the next daylight. The birds are seen in twos as they move closer to their nests and with that chilly night water streams grows clearer as usual. But there's one thing that detects all these occurrences, "The mind"

When the mind stops to wander as we always make it do, instead we let it settle and have inner peace for once to the extent that we learn from every bit of thing around and within. To reflect upon our chores when the sun sets, to sit by ourselves to relieve the pressure from the workplace, assignments and to sit peacefully to celebrate the rare chance we often have in a day if not for God's grace. 

When we embrace the tranquility of nature by visiting the orchard and gaze glaringly towards the weak indefensible sun that is compelled to go beneath the horizon. At that time you will feel all the burdens wear out, new ideas and virtues settle in place and fears fade away and eventually you be one body, one mind and one soul. Nothing will remain compromised as you will get the courage to start a new day as if a new chapter in your life opens and without a doubt you will appreciate what a colourful day that was!

When you do the sitting meditation at your own comfort in your backyard and let nothing at all get the best of your relaxed state. Visualise how sweet it would feel to let go all the worries and evil thoughts that often paint our minds unknowingly. 

"Let the sunset not pass you unaware, let it find you somewhere contemplating. Be it in a traffic jam, garden, beach resort, wherever. It could be that the troubles you have are beyond medication, beyond parties.. But just within and around nature."

Are you gonna watch the sunset today? 


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