Am proud to be back here again, have been unwell but have recovered and I thank the Almighty for this gift of life. I sincerely apologise for keeping you bored.
Over the weekend I came across this piece of article by Baden Powell, the founder of scouts. Being a scout from High school, have loved and occasionally been involved in scouting activities. From the scouts honour, motto to tying of knots among others. However my interest seemed to have declined until I came across this group of scouts who encouraged me adding that, "ONCE A SCOUT ALWAYS A SCOUT."
And here I was, reading one of the last message that our founder left for the upcoming scouts. The whole message was so inspiring and what I grasped the most was this part, "Look on the bright side of things instead of the gloomy one." Having been ailing for close to one week, I thought that maybe I was trailing down the path of death and that I couldn't make it. Only to get a reassurance that all will be well if I would only start looking on the bright side of my life, to look back through those dark days that I barely survived but miraculously I lived through them, so then, how would this abdominal infection change my attitude, eat my time day and night? Thanks to God the medications proved worthwhile and hopefully I'll soon return to normalcy.
Sometimes life looks so dull around you, to some extent you even think it's best to jump over a passing truck so as to instantly end these problems. Then you come to your senses and realise you still got promises pending, uncompleted projects and still some smiles awaiting from friends whom we know not. Don't let all these go unattended, for your mission is still on and the last call knocks. BE PREPARED, as a scout and live the best in your life.
I choose to live the rest and remaining part of my life to be the best, have you?
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