Tuesday, 19 April 2016

A Moment With A Stranger

Say hi to that lonely neighbour in the train/plane whether you know them or not. Share that free gift of smile with them as they need it the most, who knows, may be that is the only smile they’ll ever see that whole day. As if that isn’t enough, inquire from them how they do. Whisper something funny through their ears and see how they respond. 
Within the journey, that guy or lady next to you perhaps is going for a job as a spy, wouldn’t you want to know how they do it successfully or how they react when spotted, how they manage to control the anxiety as far as spying is concerned, their first experience as an undercover investigator? And the likes.
It could be in a bus, don’t just ignore the conductor, greet him/her and make a joke such as, “am the one collecting the fare from the passengers today.” Just to see the facial expression. Luckily enough if you get the chance to sit close to the bus driver other than greetings go ahead and ask them that memorable day in their life as a driver and what motivates them to keep driving each and everyday. Am sure they will be glad to share not only what you ask them but also add onto other stories that you would find so exhilarating. 
When the journey/trip/flight begins, don’t just take out your earphone to listen to that same song you hear everyday or stuck your head on that newspaper. (Come on, As for the songs and the newspaper you have them with you but strangers don’t wait, they are there for a while).  for they need someone to talk to when the journey is too tiresome and boring. When they feel weary and feeble, be a shoulder to lean on. May be that’s the moment they wanna get something off their chest. On the contrary, the stranger could be an answer to your prayer, the stranger could be your breakthrough as well?   
Most of all, keep in mind that the best of friends we got today were once strangers, your mum and dad were once strangers to each other, couples were once strangers. 
Who are you to shun strangers anyway? 

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