Thursday, 10 December 2015


James Spader says, fear plays an interesting role in our lives, how dare we let it motivate us, how dare we let it into our decision making into our livelihoods into our relationships. That we take a day, a year to dress up in costumes and celebrate fear.

Take a look at the opportunities we let go because of the fear of not trying, the dreams that are not pursued, weird habits that we create and in turn forms part of our lives, workplaces and at times in our families. Look at all these. Why not go cross over? And see the prosperity that flourishes beyond our fears, why not run away from those things that no longer serves or grow us and has nothing knew to offer? Why not challenge ourselves and grasp our drive as well as willpower to make events better ? 
Could it be because we fear change, new beginnings and rebirth or it is just our nature to appreciate fear? 
Look at how smarter we would be if only we changed our negative attitude and look at life from a different  perspective by taking the necessary risk and walking towards our destination. I at times wonder whatever we get from life if not living it to our expected standard putting money and other material benefits aside.
Imagine yourself buying that dream car, building that upcountry home and winning the heart of that prettiest chic everyone yearned for in college.. Who on earth doesn't need that life? However, it all begins with a mindset, setting priorities and assessing risks. 
Do whatever you set your mind to do and don't fret. Problems though will come along the way, temptations and diversions too but keep on. 
Many at times will you try and fall back and sometimes you will curse your birthday and pray that you were never born, but it not only take effort but also patience. Therefore follow your destiny tirelessly, sail through the sea if you have to, dive if you have to, crawl if you have to. Do everything limitlessly, take strenuous efforts you can, let your face be bloody but not bowed and most of all never let go your dreams.  


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